Research Interests
Response-controlled buildings
Buckling-restrained braced frames
Self-centering braced frames
Development of seismic dampers
Seismically isolated buildings
Seismic assessment and retrofit of existing building
Earthquake Resistant Building Design
[since Fall 2020]
Parametric Structural Design
[since Spring 2020]
Steel Structures
[since Spring 2020]
PhD - Istanbul Technical University
Earthquake Engineering Program
PhD - Tokyo Insitute of Technology (as visiting researcher)
MSc - Istanbul Technical University
Structural Engineering Program
BSc - Dokuz Eylül University
High School - Istanbul Erkek High School

Doktorada geliştirilen sismik sönümleyici deneylerinden sonra
Selected Publications
Atasever, K, Inanaga, S, Takeuchi, T, Terazawa, Y, Celik, O. C. (2020). Experimental
and numerical studies on buckling restrained braces with posttensioned carbon
fiber composite cables. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 2020;
49: 1640– 1661.
Atasever, K, Inanaga, S, Takeuchi, T, Terazawa, Y, Celik, O. C. (2020) Experimental study on buckling restrained braces with Post-tensioned carbon fiber composite cables, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 17WCE, Sendai, Japan - September 13th to 18th 2020
Inanaga S., Atasever K., Terazawa Y., Celik O. C., Takeuchi T. (2020). 初期張力材付座屈拘束ブレースの繰返し載荷実験 Cyclic loading tests of buckling-restrained braces with post-tensioned cables. Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), 85(772), 821-831
Inanaga S., Atasever K., Takeuchi T., Çelik O. C. (2019). 初期張力材付座屈拘束ブレースの数値解析-Numerical Study on Buckling-Restrained Braces with Post-Tensioned Cable. Archıtectural Instıtute of Japan Annual Conference, Ishikawa, Japan,