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The internship program is planned to be remote.

May 31, 2022 is the last day of the internship program, but it is done in programs of minimum 20 days.


A research topic must be selected in the program. Our recommendations are below.


1) From the building photo, the height of the building, the number of floors, etc. extraction of features (AI), such as

2) Obtaining UAVT codes from the location,

3) Animation of graphics (Flutter),

4) Working with Python AI frameworks (scikit-learn etc.)

5) Determination of rapid earthquake performance - case study (Structural Engineering)

5) Development of competitor analysis (Marketing department)

6) Development of marketing strategies (Marketing section) 

6) Your suggestions (must be related to our field of study)


During the program, a daily meeting is held and you present your work.

It is expected that an interview will be made every day at 16:30, and a 2-hour presentation will be made at the end of the program.

At the end of the internship, all your work should be reported in a way that will provide a source for the internship book (application, text, video, etc.). At this point, the content you will produce may be hosted on our own servers and/or our website, if appropriate.

Please answer the following questions.


1) What dates do you want to do internship? Dates must be final.


2) What are the procedures required to complete the internship? Which profession should it be signed by?


3) What is the subject you want to research?

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